Thursday, June 27, 2013

She sets

She lingers for awhile.
Then I feel her gaze drift.
Her boredom is palatable.
I coax her but it is useless.
She must leave.

And Darkness descends.
It is dusk.

Chiam Yauming June 2013

SJ came to my place. And she typed her name on my antique typewriter. I like her but I'm afraid the feeling is not mutual.

In this dishearten mood I wrote this poem underneath her name using the same sheet of paper.

I just hammered it out. It was probably evening time when I typed it out. I showed it her and she took it home and smiled somewhat bemused. We've not spoke for awhile. I wonder whether she still has it or has thrown it away.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Marlin, Layang Layang May 2012

I took this photo of a Marlin fish off Layang Layang Island in May 2012. The sight of its luminous electric blue tail in the deep will grace my dreams til the day I die.

I swim the deep blue
At depths unknown to man
I am wild I am free
You will not get close to me.

Morning 25th June 2013

(I sent this to her via a text message. Just wanted to see her again. She liked it it seems as she came shortly after.)


Give me your peace for a moment in the day. 

Let me slumber in the presence of your grace. 

Wait for me as I idle and draw a smile upon my face.

  Chiam Yau-ming, Singapore, copyright 25-6-2013